
An introduction to LGBTQ+ - Stay Safe Partnership


Our Introduction to LGBTQ+ workshop allows us to give students an overview on the LGBTQ+ community. This workshop is based around acceptance and being respectful towards others. 

We explain what the letters LGBT stand for and show some examples of celebrities they may know. We explain a handful of terms the children may have heard such as being:

  • non-binary
  • pansexual
  • asexual
  • ally
  • queer

We then move onto the way in which people in the LGBTQ+ community are accepted within marriage, jobs and more, and the different types of families there are. For example, two mums. 

Finally, we look at gender roles in society and encourage the children that they can become whatever they want. 

We hope following this workshop, the students will have a better understanding of the LGBTQ+ community and continue to treat everyone with the respect they expect themselves. 

Service Description

Positive Health (Lincolnshire) is proud to be one of the biggest providers of PSHE sessions in the county. As a sexual health charity, we concentrate on delivering sessions around relationships and sexual health in an age-appropriate manner.

  • provided to all schools across Lincolnshire
  • appropriate for year 5 and 6 students
  • roughly one hour
  • as a charity we have extensive experience working with the LGBT community
  • the students interact more openly with an outside speaker about difficult subjects
  • normalising individual lifestyle choices, and treating everyone with respect
  • exploring gender stereotypes impact on society and how we can break these down
  • signposting to local and national support services if needed

Our workshops are charged at £80 for a class of approximately 32 students and £220 for a year group assembly.

Online booking form