
Mini police - safer strangers year 5 and 6 - Stay Safe Partnership


This workshop will enable students to:

  • understand what a stranger is
  • identify who is a safer stranger
  • know how to keep safe in public
  • know what to do if a stranger approaches
Service Description

‘Safer strangers’ is a mini police workshop designed to educate students about the difference between regular strangers and safer strangers. By understanding this concept, children can better protect themselves.

Whilst child abduction is relatively uncommon, it’s important that children can recognise the potential signs of danger.

This session aims to give children practical safety skills which they can use as they become more independent. It will educate children about the types of strangers they can approach safely in difficult situations. By understanding cues and context, children learn to recognize individuals who can offer help.

During the workshops, students will undertake tasks in small groups as well as engage in whole group discussion. Sessions will be delivered by experienced trainers from Lincolnshire Police youth engagement coordinators team in an age appropriate, fair and inclusive manner.


This workshop is available to all year 5 and 6 students across Lincolnshire.  


These workshops allow students to:

  • recognize what a stranger is
  • recognize who is a safer stranger and what makes them safe
  • how to keep safe in public
  • what to do if a stranger approaches them
  • signpost to further support

Sessions have been created to cover some or all of the following areas within the PSHE framework:

R24. how to respond safely and appropriately to adults they may encounter (in all contexts including online) whom they do not know.

R29. where to get advice and report concerns if worried about their own or someone else’s personal safety (including online)

H38. how to predict, assess and manage risk in different situations

Contact and how to book