
Performance services - 2024-25 academic year - EduLincs


We provide schools with access to tools and data which enables insightful planning and analysis. These services are for senior leaders and governors.

All schools can access our free service which consists of:

  • guidance materials for statutory and non-statutory data returns
  • weekly school bulletins
  • checking files for data returns
  • access to a basic version of Perspective Lite

All schools will receive the following services from performance services by subscribing to each element.

Reports and Perspective Lite Analysis

We will provide:

  • EYFSP annual report (primary schools only)
  • primary standards report (primary schools only)
  • secondary standards report (secondary schools only)
  • post-16 standards report (secondary schools with sixth forms only)
  • termly and annual attendance reports
  • pupil number projections report
  • natural number on roll report
  • a suite of reports for analysis of attainment data including comparators with National and LA performance via Perspective Lite
  • insight analysis via Perspective Lite – including Census Cohort analysis and detailed attendance and exclusions analysis
  • access to analysis in Perspective Lite
  • data to help your school evaluate impact for OFSTED
  • future pupil numbers to support capacity planning
  • accurate performance information for current and historic cohorts
  • performance trends and differences between pupil groups
  • comparative data on:
    • progress
    • attainment
    • attendance
    • exclusions

Reports and Perspective Lite Analysis

As a non-profit public body, we have always worked hard to keep our prices affordable for schools.  We also only ever seek to recoup the costs incurred in delivering our services to you. However, having reviewed the prices this year, against the backdrop of increasing overheads, we have had to take the decision to increase the cost of our reporting element.

  • infant and junior: per pupil Â£1.14, base per school £125 - (£641 cap)
  • primary: per pupil Â£1.14, base per school £125 - (£773 cap)
  • secondary: per pupil Â£1.14, base per school £249 - (£1280 cap)
  • all-through: per pupil Â£1.14, base per school £311 - (£1600 cap)

Pupil numbers are calculated from the October 2023 school census.
