
Identity session for year 6 - Stay Safe Partnership


The identity workshop will cover key aspects of the key stage 2 currciulum (statutory guidance for: relationships education, relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education) such as;

  • providing pupils with a growing ability to form strong and positive relationships with others due to the deliberate cultivation of character traits and positive personal attributes, (sometimes referred to as ‘virtues’) in individuals (relationships education: primary – 60)
  • understanding the importance of self-respect and self-worth, developing personal attributes including:
    • honesty
    • integrity
    • courage
    • humility
    • kindness
    • generosity
    • trustworthiness
    • a sense of justice (relationships education: primary – 60)
  • the importance of respecting others, even when they are very different from them (for example, physically, in character, personality or backgrounds), or make different choices or have different preferences or beliefs (relationships education: primary – 60)
Service Description

This free workshop is available for all year 6 children in Lincolnshire. It is part of the Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Partnership Healthy Relationships programme .

  • students will understand what is meant by the term 'identity'
  • students will understand core values, and when is it okay for individuals to have different identities and behave differently
  • as students are due to transition to secondary school we will explore choices they may make in terms of their identity and what change may occur during their life. Students will debate, what is okay to change and what is not, and will look into themes such as:
    •  careers
    • friendships group
    • romantic partners
  • students will understand how choices and change can affect their identity, both positively and negatively (control, peer pressure, unhealthy relationships)
  • students will explore different real-life scenarios and discuss if they believe the examples are of a healthy, or unhealthy relationship, whilst learning about the idea of peer pressure and control

Free for all year 6 classes


Free until July 2024

Contact and how to book