
Vaping – key stage 3 form time activities from Better Health - Stay Safe Partnership


In these three form time sessions, students learn about social pressures around:

  • vaping: what and why?
  • the impact of vaping
  • the effects of nicotine on the adolescent brain

Includes a 'guidance for teaching about vaping' document to support one-to-one conversations with young people.

Service Description

The resources cover three key areas on the topic of vaping for students aged 11 to 13 (lower key stage 3).

The topics covered are:

  1. what vaping is and why young people might vape
  2. the impact of vaping
  3. nicotine and the impact of nicotine

The slides and slide notes guide you through each session activity. The resources have been produced as three bitesize sessions, which can be used in a range of ways:

  • each resource can be used as a stand-alone session to meet the learning needs of individual classes
  • the three resources can be used together over a few sessions to build and develop deeper understanding around vaping
  • the resources can be used in form time or assemblies
  • the resources could also be embedded in pre-existing lesson content around smoking

There is a teacher guidance document which has been put together to support the teaching of vaping in a safe way. It gives information about signposting and guidance for supporting conversations around vaping.


Free to download online.


