
Primary AGENDA free online resource promoting positive relationships in schools and communities, ages 7 to 11 - Stay Safe Partnership

NSPCC offer creative age-appropriate ways to:
  • empower children to explore and express what matters to them
  • support young people’s right to speak out and engage as active citizens with issues they care about
  • safely and creatively challenge gender inequalities and oppressive gender normalities

The AGENDA packs are based on principles of equality, inclusivity, children’s rights and social justice. They tackle the causes and consequences of violence against girls and women, homophobia and transphobia.

Service Description
Primary AGENDA is a resource for educational practitioners who want to support children aged 7 to 11 to make positive relationships matter in their school and community.
Through starter activities and case studies, primary AGENDA invites you to explore inclusive, creative and rights-based approaches to a range of issues including:
  • feelings and emotions
  • friendships and relationships
  • body image
  • consent
  • gender and sexuality equality and equity

Primary AGENDA includes:

  • starter activities to help practitioners support children think about what matters to them, and what they would like to change
  • suggested ways for children to take action, including a range of cross-curricular examples from dance and movement (expressive arts) to digital storytelling (ICT)
  • case study examples of how schools have supported children to learn and raise awareness about issues that advance the building of respectful relationships
  • examples of how creative methods and pedagogy, such as storytelling, crafting, movement or music, enables practitioners to become more aware of what matters to children
  • further information about how to support children and young people to plan an awareness raising activity
  • annual awareness raising and remembrance dates dedicated to advancing rights, equalities and social justice around the world
  • links to organisations and websites for further information
  • a rights-respecting, whole-school approach to gender equality
  • ideas on how to create safe, confidential and supportive spaces.

Free to download online


