
Local Transport Plan (LTP5) - Closed engagements and consultations

We are developing a series of travel, transport and development plans this year. One of those documents is the Local Transport Plan (LTP). The ideas behind it take account of responses to other questions about how people move around the county, and would like to, in a post-pandemic Lincolnshire
Opening date
Wednesday 20 October 2021
Closing date
Wednesday 1 December 2021
Have your say

What engagement has already happened
Technical stakeholders have been engaged in the development of the draft plan and its supporting documents
Why are we engaging or consulting
To ensure community input and engagement in the development of the new Local Transport Plan
Who can get involved
Anyone that lives, works, volunteers or goes to school in Lincolnshire
How to get involved
Complete the survey on Let's Talk Lincolnshire


If you require any support to complete the survey please contact 01522 782070