
Sleaford Transport Strategy - Closed engagements and consultations

We are working to develop a new transport strategy for Sleaford and the surrounding area. It's vital that we know the views of everybody who travels in and around Sleaford, so we can listen to and understand your views and ideas about what improvements can be made and what transport should be like in the future.
Opening date
Friday 17 September 2021
Closing date
Friday 22 October 2021
Current or closed
Have your say

Why are we engaging or consulting
To ensure community input and engagement in the development of the new Sleaford Transport Strategy.

Sleaford and its surrounding villages.

Who can get involved

Anyone that lives, works, volunteers or is in education in Sleaford or its surrounding villages.

How to get involved
Completion of the survey or by attending one of our public drop-in sessions:

• Saturday 18 September – Riverside Church (Southgate, Sleaford, NG34 7RY) 10am to 3pm

• Thursday 23 September Riverside Church (Southgate, Sleaford, NG34 7RY) 10am to 6pm


If you require any support to complete the survey please contact 01522 552222.