
Clerking - EduLincs

Governing bodies need to be adequately supported by clerks to carry out their functions. Business support offer a cost effective and high quality service. This allows the school leadership team to focus on its core aims.
This service includes:

Maintained schools

  • providing professional advice and support to governing bodies on governance and procedural matters
  • providing effective administrative support to the governing body and its committees, including:
    • convening meetings
    • minute taking
    • distribution of meeting notes and supporting documents
  • ensuring the governing body is properly constituted and supported in tackling identified issues
  • managing all governing body information effectively in accordance with legal requirements
  • providing support to the governing body in order to meet all of its statutory duties

Academy schools

  • providing effective administrative support to academy governance boards including committees:
    • convening meetings
    • minute taking
    • distribution of meeting notes and supporting documents
  • ensuring academy governance boards including committees are properly constituted and supported in tackling identified issues in line with the Articles of Association
  • managing all academy governance board (including committees) membership information effectively in accordance with requirements
  • the clerk will not provide professional advice on governance and procedural matters. It is the responsibility of the Trust (SAT) or governance and compliance officer (MAT) to provide the appropriate advice to support decision making
As part of this service provision schools are able to access the governor hub system, which is specifically designed for this purpose.
The service is moving into a more virtual and hybrid operation mode to deliver a more cost-effective provision and to reduce carbon emissions, making it more environmentally friendly. To enable us to do this, If virtual or hybrid support is provided by the clerk, the service will provide a specific IT device to enhance the acoustics of the meeting. This IT device will be free of charge for the governing body. 
The team consists of well supported and trained clerks who work effectively and cohesively and are managed centrally. This removes additional management requirements and pressures from the school itself. In addition, we provide schools and their governing bodies with strong resilience in the event of clerk unavailability.
Your clerk will:
  • liaise with headteacher and chair of governors to draft meeting agendas
  • circulate finalised agendas and related documents to all parties nine or 16 days in advance of the meetings, dependent on the school's status
  • take accurate minutes at all full governing body and committee meetings as detailed on page nine and circulate within 14 days of the meeting taking place. Meetings may be supported virtually or in person, in agreement between both parties
  • keep records of attendance and declarations of interest
  • keep up to date with all relevant policies and procedures in order to offer advice and guidance to the board when needed
  • undertake all actions for the clerk, arising from the meeting
  • attend regular training and networking sessions
  • act as first point of contact for governors with queries on procedural matters
  • attend the NCTL, accredited clerks development programme as part of their continuing CPD
  • keep governor services up to date with governing board details, minutes of the finance committee and FGB, appointments of new governors
  • provide support with maintaining the governor hub page for the school
The clerking service will be providing support mostly virtually or on a hybrid basis. We offer face to face support, however mileage and travel costs will be added.

Contributes to the outcomes for children and young people by:

  • ensuring effective governance of the school setting
  • ensuring a strong focus on the key outcomes of the school are at the heart of decision-making
  • reducing additional management pressures on the school leadership by maintaining responsibility for the management of clerks, enabling a greater focus on the management of day-to-day school matters

Benefits for staff professional development:

  • reduces management requirements such as recruitment and absence management.  This facilitates greater focus on development in other areas
  • joining fee: £435 (for all new schools joining our service)
  • renewal fee: £120 (for schools re-joining or continuing with our services)
Clerking support Trust board Full and local governing board Committee meetings HR, complaints and disciplinary meetings Additional meetings
Virtual £400 £345 £270 Per hour, per work £65 per hour £345
Face to face £440 £385 £310 Per hours, per work £65 per hour £385
Notes       HR, complaints and or, disciplinary meetings HT recruitment and, or EFGB
  • trust board meetings: £400 and £440 for face-to-face
  • full governing board and, or local governing board meetings: £345 virtually and £385 for face-to-face
  • committee meetings: £270 virtually and £310 for face-to-face 
  • HR complaints and, or disciplinaries: these will be charged per work per hour at Â£65 per hour. Please note there will be an additional one-off £20 charge for each F2F meeting
  • additional or extra meetings (for example - HT recruitment, EFGB): £345 virtually and £385 face-to-face

A charge of £285 will be applied for maintained school settings who require constitutional changes (for example, federation of schools). The following year, if there are no further changes to the constitution, this will revert back to the standard £120 renewal price.

A charge of £220 will be applied for MATs who require amalgamation of Local Governing Boards or Academy Committees. The following year, if there are no further changes to the constitution, this will revert back to the standard £120 renewal price.

The prices listed here are the academic year 2024-25 prices.

Terms and conditions