
Active Travel Fund - Community Engagement - Closed engagements and consultations


³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ has been awarded £799,900 from Tranche 2 of the (Emergency) Active Travel Fund. As part of this fund we are proposing a range of schemes for market towns around the county to encourage walking and cycling. We would like to engage with our residents to gather information and feedback on the proposed schemes. We would also like to establish general attitudes to active travel measures around the county.

Please read the scheme details before you complete the survey. 

Opening date
Wednesday 17 March 2021
Closing date
Sunday 16 May 2021
Current or closed
What engagement has already happened
An online cycling summit was held in early August 2020 with stakeholders. The website Widen My Path has also been used to gather feedback on resident ideas.
Why are we engaging or consulting
To ensure support for the projects from local residents. This support will be crucial in terms of projects moving forward.
Who can get involved
Residents. Cycling Groups. Employers, Retailers, Educational Settings.
How to get involved
Workshops and an on-line survey
Supporting documents or videos