
Modern slavery lesson plans KS3 and KS4 - Stay Safe Partnership


Free lesson plans and resources for KS3 and KS4 to introduce and raise awareness around modern slavery.

Service Description

"Young people are an integral part of the catalyst for change, while at the same time being at risk of becoming victims of trafficking themselves. This is a chance to prevent human trafficking and modern slavery before it even begins.”- Bishop Alastair Redfern, Chair of The Clewer Initiative

40.3 million people are estimated to be trapped in some form of modern slavery in the world today.

136,000 victims estimated in the UK (according to the Global Slavery Index).

6,993 potential victims found in 2018 (UK).
Modern slavery is an umbrella term for all forms of slavery, trafficking and exploitation.

In KS3 there are a selection of three lesson plans that work through the following:

  • Exploring rural modern slavery looking at examples of modern slavery in the UK. It will consider the causes, impact and outcome of these situations
  • Slavery around the world - this lesson includes critical decision-making for the students as they come up with a proposal/plan for combating slavery worldwide. They will also think about creating a campaign/awareness raising stunt for their local area
  • Urban Slavery - to understand and discuss how to recognise slavery in the context of a busy city/urban area.

In KS4 there are a selection of three lesson plans that work through the following:

  • A Better Life - this lesson looks at why someone may be convinced to go abroad, or how people are tricked (even from the UK) and what we can do to help stop this and protect ourselves.
  • Supply Chain - this lesson shows what different companies are doing to help in the fight against modern slavery. And how our consumer choice can make a massive difference.
  • A Slave Free World - this lesson encourages us to consider how our lives are impacted by modern slavery and what to do about it.

Lesson plans and resources are available in PDF form.



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