
Modern slavery lesson plans KS1 and KS2 - Stay Safe Partnership


Free lesson plans and resources for KS1 and KS2 to introduce and raise awareness around modern slavery.

Service Description

"Young people are an integral part of the catalyst for change, while at the same time being at risk of becoming victims of trafficking themselves. This is a chance to prevent human trafficking and modern slavery before it even begins.”- Bishop Alastair Redfern, Chair of The Clewer Initiative.

40.3 million people are estimated to be trapped in some form of modern slavery in the world today.

136,000 victims estimated in the UK (according to the Global Slavery Index).

6,993 potential victims found in 2018 (UK).
Modern slavery is an umbrella term for all forms of slavery, trafficking and exploitation.

In KS1 there are a selection of three lesson plans that work through the following:

  • understanding fairness and the worth of a job
  • freedom and the importance of identity
  • superheroes being a positive change for the future

In KS2 there are a selection of three lesson plans that work through the following:

  • understanding slavery is a crime still happening today and looking to a slave free world
  • a history of slavery and understanding what is meant by modern slavery
  • understand who they can trust, who is there to protect them, and how to keep themselves safe when faced with dangerous situations such as modern day slavery

Lesson plans and resources are available in PDF form.



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