
Sensory education and support team - EduLincs


This service is delivered by teachers who have specialist qualification in the education of sensory impaired children and young people.

Our experts include teaching assistants working with those with sensory impairment and a habilitation specialist for visually impaired children and young people.

The team is involved from an early stage soon after birth and through the learning journey to independent adulthood.

We work alongside parents to support the development of their child, then with settings and schools to ensure the child or young person can access the full educational curriculum.

Individual support or advice is available to all children and young people with diagnosed sensory impairment.

Bespoke training is given to schools and settings with children and young people with sensory impairments.


Free of charge to maintained settings and schools in Lincolnshire. Access to this service is through referral, which is made using the form available from SEST_Team@lincolnshire.gov.uk.
