
Lincolnshire Energy from Waste visitor centre - EduLincs


Your school visit to the facility is free of charge and we will cover the cost of the transport, to and from the facility, for Lincolnshire’s schools only (subject to available funding).  Schools are required to arrange the transport.

Maximum class size is 36.

During your visit your class will work in three rotating groups. One group will be given a tour of the facility whilst the other two groups will be working on other activities in the classroom. Each group will need to be supervised by one of your staff and, or supporting adults. Ensure you have the correct staffing ratios – minimum three adults. At least two staff and, or supporting adults will supervise the activities in the classroom whilst one staff and, or supporting adult accompanies the touring group with the facilitator.

Welfare facilities are provided and we create an exclusive zone within the visitor centre for the students, to comply with our safeguarding policy.

Preliminary visit; the lead teacher is invited to visit the facility prior to the planned visit to meet the facilitator, undertake risk assessments and further discuss the plans for the day.



Learning outcomes - students and, or visitors will understand:

  • where waste comes from and why
  • the different pathways that waste takes
  • how energy is generated from non-recyclable waste
  • where recycled waste goes to and the importance of recycling
  • the issues of the choices they make and how they can influence this in the future

Free of charge
