
Internal audit services - EduLincs


Our experienced teams will help ensure your site is legally-compliant. Our local knowledge allows us to provide the full spectrum of assurance services.

We are specialists in audit, counter fraud and Investigations, health and safety, insurance and risk management.

We offer the following packages:

Full internal audit

This gives you independent assurance that you have the best arrangements in place to protect your school. We recommend schools have a full audit approximately every three years. The length of the audit will generally be between five and six working days.

Our full school audit uses discussion, review and sample testing to provide assurance over a range of governance and assurance matters.

  • governance arrangements
  • budget preparation and monitoring
  • HR processes and payroll
  • purchasing and asset management
  • compliance with contract regulations
  • income collection and banking
  • debtors
  • imprest management
  • management of the school fund

School prime account audit

Provides audit sign off and improvement recommendations for prime account schools. For schools operating a prime account system we will also cover financial returns, bank reconciliation and payments.

School fund audit

We carry out a financial audit of private funds associated with the school.

Audit assurance visit

A ‘lighter touch’ review particularly focussed on governance, financial management and utilising self-assessment. This can supplement or replace a full internal audit and typically involves spending one day at the school.


Our auditors deliver a complete school audit of governance and financial arrangements. This will provide independent assurance on the areas of good practice and make recommendations.

Our work provides an invaluable safeguard, supporting you to ensure financial planning and management controls are sufficient to protect public funds.

We understand the challenges faced by schools and academies, and will deliver a comprehensive report and action plan for any improvements to ensure that you meet your financial responsibilities.

These will be discussed in detail with you and you will be fully involved in agreeing actions and timescales at closure of the audit to ensure that these are achievable and best suit your needs.


Contact us in relation to the services required and we will provide quotes based upon the size and type of the school.
