
Healthy weight self-service portfolio of interventions - EduLincs


This self-serve service provides a range of resources schools can implement. They enable children to be at a healthy weight as .

This resource supports schools to enhance their healthy weight activity. Interventions should be sustained, multicomponent and address the whole school. Short-term interventions are insufficient on their own and should be part of a long-term programme.

There is a wealth of good evidence that specific interventions can increase levels of healthy diet and physical activity. The challenge is that we live in an ‘obesogenic environment’, with cultural and social norms and lifestyle factors making it easy for children and families to gain weight.

  • Resource for schools portfolio of interventions
  • Healthy weight guidance for children's centres and early years settings

Benefits for children and young people

  • Reduce childhood overweight and obesity
  • Improve children’s health and wellbeing
  • Increase physical activity levels
  • Improve healthy eating education

Benefits for schools

  • Easy access to a range of resources and toolkits to help integrate physical activity into the curriculum
  • Identify which services we can help to evaluate and maximise your school’s approach

This resource is mainly free. A small fee may be charged in some instances.


FoodEducation@lincolnshire.gov.uk in the first instance
