
Free school meals eligibility checking service - EduLincs


The Pupil Premium provides additional funding to schools for pupils eligible for free school meals.

We can provide comprehensive advice and information on the legal requirements of free school meals. We can also check for eligibility using the Central Government Benefit Hub.

Pupil Premium provides additional support for schools and helps improve attainment and outcomes for children and young people.

Schools will have access to eligibility reports on Perspective. Parents can apply for free school meals by using the online parent portal.

  • Improves educational attainment, social skills and behaviour.
  • Ensures children have access to one healthy meal each day.
  • Supports the development of long term healthy eating habits.
  • Helps families with the cost of living.
  • Ensures children have the right amount of energy and nutrients to sustain them.
  • Improves performance in the classroom.

The school receives payment for the year in which families are eligible for free school meals, and automatically for the next five years.

Currently it is £955 for secondary pupils and £1,345 for primary pupils.

  • £2.75 for each successful application
  • Users of the system will be identified and charged automatically