
Food education - health and wellbeing - EduLincs


The team provides information, support and practical tools to help schools.  We cover all aspects of food education and catering advice to support health and wellbeing.


We help schools ensure food and healthy eating is delivered and maintained. We encourage a shared responsibility for the food environment and ethos in schools. This includes, engaging pupils, parents, teachers and governors.

A good diet and physical activity can reduce the risk of obesity, chronic diseases and improve oral health.

We support schools with their role in developing and maintaining a good food culture.

Provide professional development for school staff and governors.

We support school staff and governors in a whole school approach to food education.

Service Price
Menu checking (with School Food Standards compliance certificate) three-week cycle £173.47
Menu checking (with School Food Standards compliance certificate) six-week cycle £334.95
School Food Standards onsite training for caterers and, or whole school staff £173.47
Wraparound menu check (with School Food Standards compliance certificate) £30
Mini lunch review (with direct feedback) £173.47
Full lunch dining revew (with direct feedback, full write-up and action plan) £334.95
Free - mini lunch review with any food eduction half day training session purchased  
Midday supervisor training level 1 Managing the dining environment (2-hour session) £173.47
Midday supervisor training level 2 Why children need to eat well (2-hour session) £173.47
Free MSA appraisal template and targets (in line with LACA workforce professional standards) when both sessions purchased as a package)  
Senior midday supervisor upskilling session (empowering your senior midday supervisor to recognise areas for improvement and lead the team through change) £173.47
Free school food review with your SLT and, or school food teaching lead (Teams session only) to identify areas for improvement and signposting to support as required  
Governor school food compliance training (in line with DfE guidance and regulations) £173.47
Embedding food education training with your school food teaching lead (train the trainer)  £173.47
Packed lunch audit and packed lunch policy support (for schools who have concerns around the quality of packed lunches brought from home) £173.47
Parent workshops (bespoke content around basic nutrition and cooking for children's health) £173.47
Whole school approach (12-month bespoke support package of training, workshops, policies and resources to embed a positive food culture across your whole school community) £1,350
Catering recruitment (support with complete recruitment process from advertising and job descriptions to shortlisting, interviews, cooking skills tests and induction training) Price on request
Early years food support (bespoke support for early years settings in line with Eat Better Start Better guidance and children's health requirements)  Price on request

Bespoke support is available upon request - please email us at FoodEducation@lincolnshire.gov.uk.

Free telephone and email support.
