
Financial services for maintained Business World schools - EduLincs


We can assist schools with an infrastructure of professional financial services. This ensures the best use of budget and resources. Services can range from bronze, silver and gold to ad hoc service.

Bronze service

  • Information and advice
  • Maintenance and closure of accounts
  • VAT advice
  • A comprehensive financial training programme for headteachers, administrators and governors
  • Support for financial software
  • Support for payments and income

Silver service

  • Offers all the benefits of the bronze service
  • Two full day school visits per year

Gold service

  • Offers all the benefits of the bronze service
  • Four full day school visits per year

The purpose of these visits is to assist schools with:

  • budget setting
  • budget monitoring
  • forecasting
  • financial scenario planning
  • funding modelling in light of the national funding formula
  • on-site bursary service
  • tailored governor training
  • governor support
  • business world training
  • interview process
  • consistent financial reporting benchmarking
  • assistance with schools financial value standard

However, we are happy to tailor these visits to your own school’s requirements.

There is access to the schools finance helpdesk. Advice is available on finance matters, including Business World.

Schools are supported to demonstrate how they have spent additional funding streams (for example, pupil premium and universal infant free school meals).

The support is tailored to specifically meet the needs of the school. We provide an integrated finance and HR system and a consistent financial reporting framework for schools.


Assistance and training with financial matters to ensure staff have a clear understanding of the school’s financial position.

This helps with the decision-making process. This ensures expenditure is spent in the best interest of the children and young people.

Training is provided to enhance financial knowledge of headteachers, business managers and governors.

The silver and gold levels of service include school visits to give staff the opportunity to develop their knowledge.


The service is offered to schools over an April to March financial year. Costs vary depending on the package of support purchased.

The bronze package is calculated based on a fixed cost, the school phase and number on roll (NOR).

The silver and gold packages are based on the bronze cost plus an additional fixed cost per school.

Full details can be found on perspective lite under schools finance.
