
Lincolnshire Music Service - EduLincs


Lincolnshire Music Service provides the highest quality music opportunities for children and young people across the county.

We offer a range of music membership packages and other programmes to support your school with the delivery of the music curriculum. 

Lincolnshire Music Service is lead organisation of the Lincolnshire Music Education Hub. There are 121 music education hubs across the country providing a collaborative and joined-up approach to music education within each locality.

Each hub receives central DfE funding which is managed by Arts Council England.


The award winning Lincolnshire Music Service is the flagship music education organisation within the county and was named 'Youth Organisation of the Year' in December 2020. We are passionate about music education and the impact a quality music offer can have on the lives of children and young people. It also has a positive impact on other aspects of learning and teaches:

  • perseverance and discipline
  • self-expression
  • stress relief
  • social skills
  • confidence and happiness

LMS consists of a large team of qualified, DBS cleared, experienced professionals.  We provide the support needed for you to improve the music offer within your school. This can be shaped to suit your needs as well as budget.

If you're looking to develop and, or improve your music curriculum offer we can support you!


To find out our current cost, .
