
Speak out. Stay safe programme for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) schools - Stay Safe Partnership


Materials for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) schools


We want to support schools to make sure safe and happy children are at the heart of every school.

Speak out. Stay safe. materials for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) schools can help you to help your pupils understand what abuse is and provide them with strategies to keep themselves safe.

Developed jointly by the NSPCC and Image in Action, the six-session programme has been designed to be delivered by school staff with support and guidance from NSPCC staff.

Service Description

What is Speak out. Stay safe. for SEND schools?

The focus of the programme is for children to understand what abuse is and to feel supported and able to talk to trusted adults. It uses the strategy of a safe circle, to help pupils understand which trusted adults that they can turn to if they have worries.

The character of ‘Buddy’ is also used to encourage them to speak out.  We understand that pupils will have varying needs and abilities and will respond to different methods, materials and strategies, so the programme can be adapted easily to suit the needs and abilities of your pupils and maximize their learning.

It’s also important to go through the programme at a pace that works for your class, so you may want to split the sessions over more weeks, or select activities from the sessions. The programme will fit with the curriculum in many special schools, covering aspects of personal wellbeing including emotional intelligence, communication skills, self-esteem and self-awareness. These are the skills that give pupils the confidence to recognise healthy relationships and to ask for help if they are worried or have problems. Some of the interactive methods we suggest may be familiar to you and teachers working with pupils with SEND already. However, there may be other suggestions that you have not tried before. These materials are intended for children with moderate learning disabilities, autism spectrum conditions or other additional learning needs in special schools. Area Coordinators and volunteers from the NSPCC will support staff to deliver the programme.


Six-session programme designed to be delivered by staff in partnership with NSPCC staff and volunteers.

The programme uses practical activities and engaging methods to support pupils as well as their teachers, learning support assistants, mentors and other staff in education. Parents may also find some of the techniques and activities useful in helping to keep their children safe.
The materials are aimed at primary school children in years 5-6. Image in Action is a specialist organisation with 30 years of experience working with pupils with learning disabilities. The activities in this programme have been successfully trialled with a range of pupils and schools.


Schools are encouraged to take part in fund raising activities for the NSPCC but this is not mandatory.

Contact and how to book

