
Road safety awareness lessons for pupils - Stay Safe Partnership

Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership
Training Methods

All sessions (apart from JRSO) are delivered face-to-face, to year group classes. Sessions vary between 30 to 60 minutes depending on type of workshop.

Agency Requirements
  • access to PowerPoint for presentation
  • school risk assessment to take students off site plus supporting staff and volunteers for pedestrian training and road safety walks (risk assessment (ratios)).
Service Description

Over 57,000 children attend primary schools in Lincolnshire, and road safety is an important life skill that we all need to learn.

The road safety partnership is offering a range of preventative road safety sessions:

Year 1 – basic road safety skills

A fun and practical classroom and playground workshop to introduce basic road safety awareness skills to pupils. This session can be provided as a school and teacher-led presentation if required.  

Year 2 – pedestrian training

A practical introduction to pedestrian safety - using suitable risk-assessed local routes.

Year 3 - in car safety

A 40 to 50 minute classroom workshop exploring different aspects of safety on car journeys.

Year 4 - road safety walk

An enhanced pedestrian experience in preparation for independent journeys. Where schools have received road safety walks in year 6 and wish to continue this provision, please discuss with provider when organising booking.

Year 4 – risky or safe?

School and teacher-led alternative to road safety walk (above).

Year 5 – cycle helmets

A visual demonstration and practical activity on the importance of wearing a helmet - time required 30 to 40 minutes. 

Year 5 or 6 - junior road safety officer (JRSO)

An ongoing peer-led scheme to promote road safety within your school community throughout the year.

Year 6 – stepping up

This teacher led package provides year 6 pupils the opportunity discuss and prepare for their future journeys to and from secondary school.

  • experienced Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership deliverers
  • covers whole county


Contact and how to book