
Too Fast Too Soon - 2Fast2Soon theatre production and workshop for students (6th form) - Stay Safe Partnership

Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership

In an enticing theatre set-up environment the students observe experienced actors play out the issues connected with a real life collision which happened in Lincolnshire.


The engaging performances paint the scene for the students to connect with the characters and understand loss of freedom, guilt and the long-term effects of all parties involved in a collision. Students are introduced to the hugely important issues in collisions, highlighting factors such as risk, consequences, peer pressure and affects on the family. The aim of 2Fast2Soon is to:

  • raise awareness of the immediate and long term consequences associated with poor road user behaviour and decision-making
  • establish improved decision-making to enhance safety as a road user
  • identify factors associated with:
    • risk
    • consequences
    • peer pressure
    • effects on the family
Training Methods

The drama production lasts 30 minutes.  Interactive group workshop follows lasting 60 minutes.  A maximum of 120 students per session

Agency Requirements

The space needed is approximately 10 metres by 5 metres on the floor or a stage can be used.


From September 2019 there will be a cost of £325 per session to the school. A reduction is available for two consecutive sessions (£550).

Contact and how to book

Book this training

Please provide as much information as possible, or telephone 01522 550665. Stay Safe Partnership will aim to confirm within 5 working days.
