
Safer Lincolnshire Partnership

About the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership

The Safer Lincolnshire Partnership (SLP) helps to improve community safety.

It aims to:

  • reduce crime and disorder and increase the safety across Lincolnshire
  • ensure those living, working or visiting Lincolnshire feel safe 
  • improve communication, and coordination between agencies 

The work of the SLP involves tackling:

  • anti-social behaviour
  • reducing reoffending
  • crime and disorder
  • substance misuse
  • serious violence

Its duties are to:

  • set up protocols and systems for information sharing
  • implement a plan to reduce offending and combat substance misuse
  • engage and consult with communities and address their priorities
  • hold one or more public meeting during each year
  • commission Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews

Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour is defined by law as conduct that has caused or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person. It covers many types of behaviour that vary in nature and severity, many of which are open to interpretation. Thus what is considered anti-social by one person can be acceptable to another.

Types of behaviour that could constitute as antisocial behaviour include (but are not limited to):

  • noise nuisance
  • intimidation and, or threatening behaviour
  • littering or fly-tipping
  • vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles
  • using or dealing drugs
  • street drinking
  • rowdy behaviour in public
  • abandoned or burnt out cars
  • arson
  • neighbour nuisance

The Safer Lincolnshire Partnership's current focus area is neighbourhood related antisocial behaviour, such as neighbour disputes and noise. Partners (inc. police, district councils and housing providers) are working together to ensure the necessary mechanism are in place to effectively tackle this type of antisocial behaviour and protect victims and communities from harm.

If you are a victim of antisocial behaviour and feel there is an immediate risk call 999.


  • Phone 101 or,
  • Report your complaint online to Lincolnshire Police or your district council or housing provider. 

You do not have to put up with antisocial behaviour.

Noise Complaints

Nuisance noise is any loud or persistent noise that causes you ongoing concern or affects your quality of life. Your district council should be the first contact for reporting nuisance noise, unless the noise is from people being inconsiderate in a public place, in which case you can report it to the police.  

Antisocial Behaviour Case Review

The Antisocial Behaviour Case Review (previously known as the Community Trigger) gives victims and communities the right to request a review of their antisocial behaviour complaints , where the local threshold is met, and brings agencies together to take a joined up, problem-solving approach to find a solution.

For more information or to request a review please contact your local council or visit their website. You can also view this short video.

For information and advice on antisocial behaviour please visit the Lincolnshire Police website

Report nuisance parking

If you are experiencing a problem in relation to parking you can report this to us.

Report nuisance parking



Reducing reoffending

Reducing offending in Lincolnshire is important to our local communities. 

The benefits are:

  • creating a new pathway away from the criminal justice system
  • working on reducing offending to stop pressures on key resources
  • improving the lives of individuals who have felt the impact of offending for example, families and children

The purpose of the Reducing Reoffending Core Priority Group is to coordinate agencies in Lincolnshire to deliver the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership’s Strategy to reduce reoffending. This group meets quarterly and reports to the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership’s Strategic Board.

Crime and disorder

We are part of the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership. It focuses on two areas of crime and disorder:

  • digitally enabled fraud
  • identity theft

We work in partnership with agencies across the county to raise awareness of fraud and carry out preventative activity.  We also seek to ensure victims are supported and ensure appropriate enforcement action can be taken.

For advice about fraud, visit .

You can find .

For more information, you can also visit .

Drugs and alcohol

It is the Safer Lincolnshire Partnership’s focus to reduce drug and alcohol related harm through a comprehensive package of prevention and treatment activity.

We work in conjunction with partner agencies, to support those people within our communities who are affected by drug and alcohol misuse.

We aim to raise awareness of and access to services which help reduce, treat and educate people about drug and alcohol misuse, to help save and change lives.

The drug and alcohol treatment provider for Lincolnshire is Horizon.

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with problematic drug and/or alcohol use, you can access their confidential services, for free.

To book a first appointment, .

You can access further .

Domestic Abuse Related Death Review

All deaths which may be a result of domestic violence or abuse require a Domestic Abuse Related Death Review.

The Safer Lincolnshire Partnership must carry these out.

Their purpose is to ensure that agencies are responding to victims of domestic violence appropriately.

They are not inquiries into who is culpable. That is for the court or coroner to decide.

Find out 

Serious violence

The Serious Violence Duty 2022 is a recent priority of the Safer Community Teams. Serious violence is preventable among young people, and we are working towards the following three national key priorities:

  1. a reduction in hospital admissions for assaults with a knife or sharp object
  2. a reduction in knife and sharp object enabled serious violence recorded by the police 
  3. homicides recorded by the police 

The serious violence strategy is now available to view on the .

The following themes have been recognised from a Serious Violence Needs Assessment:

  • public place serious violence, with or without a weapon, at night related to the illicit drug trade
  • male on male violence in under 25-year-olds 
  • sexual offences against the 0 to 19-year-olds
  • geographic pockets of violence that are in the most prevalent areas in Lincolnshire 
  • homicide (domestic and non-domestic)

Support for victims of sexual abuse:

The organisations below can help victims of sexual abuse:

 - supports anyone who has been affected by sexual violence at any point in their lives.

 - provides a caring and dedicated service to meet the needs of victims of rape or sexual assault.

 - a charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents.

Ask for Angela

This safety initiative is designed to help keep you safe on a night out when in a bar or nightclub.

At participating venues, you can go to staff and use the safe word 'Angela'. They will know you need help.

Venues have received training and guidance on the ways in which they can help.

If you would like to include your bar, pub, nightclub or restaurant, .


CONTEST is the UK’s strategy for countering terrorism. It involves many partners working together, including us.

It has four elements:

  • Pursue - to stop terrorist attacks through disruption, investigation and detection
  • Prepare - where an attack cannot be stopped, to mitigate its impact
  • Protect - to strengthen against terrorist attack, including borders and utilities
  • Prevent - to stop people becoming terrorists or being drawn towards terrorism

What is PREVENT?

Prevent aims to stop people becoming terrorists or being drawn towards terrorism.

It aims to:

  • tackle the causes of radicalisation
  • respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism
  • safeguard and support those most at risk of radicalisation 
  • enable people already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate
  • safeguard vulnerable people 

For more information about Prevent, 

ACT Early

ACT Early provides advice and support around radicalisation, Prevent, and how to seek help. .

For school resources 

What we do

We work with organisations and community groups to:

  • help identify and challenge extremism in an appropriate way
  • train staff to spot others who may be at risk of supporting terrorism or extremism. They can then refer them for support
  • provide free Prevent workshops. These raise awareness of Prevent and other aspects that lead to extremism and terrorism

To make an enquiry, email prevent@lincolnshire.gov.uk.

Report a concern

If you have a concern that someone you know is being drawn to extremism, further advice can be obtained by emailing ctp-em-prevent@lincs.police.ukr or call 101 and ask for the Prevent Team.  Prevent Referrals should be emailed to ctp-em-prevent-referral@lincs.police.uk.

You can also use the 

For advice, call 101 and ask for the Prevent team.

For immediate threats, such as a suspicious package or vehicle, always call 999.
