
Whistleblowing policy

How to raise a concern

We encourage you initially to raise your concern internally. This allows us the opportunity to right the wrong and give an explanation for the behaviour or activity.  We also advise staff to report any allegation to their line manager.  We recognise that your first actions will depend upon the seriousness and sensitivity of the issues and who you believe to be involved.  We advise that you make it clear that you are raising your concerns under our whistleblowing arrangements.  This will help managers respond in line with this policy.

It is better to submit concerns in writing. We need the background and history of your concern, giving names, copies of any documents, dates and places (where possible).  We would like you to explain why you are concerned about the situation. We do not expect you to prove the truth of an allegation but you will need to show that there are sufficient grounds for your concern.  

You can use the confidential PO box or email address (which is monitored by a nominated officer within the Investigations Team):

PO Box 640

Email address: whistleblowing@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Alternatively, you can use our confidential whistleblowing line: Freephone 0800 0853716

We operate this dedicated reporting line during normal working hours (9am to 5pm).  If you call this number out of hours you can leave a message on the answer phone which is located in a secure area.

Staff can seek independent advice from their trade union representative or professional association.  They can also can invite a work colleague to raise a concern on their behalf.  

Further advice may be sought from the on their whistleblowing advice line:  020 7404 6609

Remember – the earlier you raise the concern, the easier it is to take action.