
Surveillance camera system policy

Our roles and responsibilities

We have in place the following roles and responsibilities.  These support the implementation of this policy:

  • The Chief Executive has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that surveillance camera systems used by us adhere to the 12 guiding principles set out in the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice (listed at Appendix A). 
  • the Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) is the owner of information risk and management at director level.  They are responsible for leading and fostering a culture that values, protects and uses information in a way that benefits us and our service users
  • the Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) has strategic responsibility for the integrity and effectiveness of the processes regarding the use of surveillance camera systems. This role is currently fulfilled by our Data Protection Officer
  • the Information Assurance Team act as the single point of contact regarding our use of surveillance camera systems. They support the SRO regarding compliance with our legal obligations and relevant codes of practice
  • System Operators are our employees that have been given responsibility for the day to day management of a surveillance camera system.
  • System Users support System Operators to meet their responsibilities. They are our employees who have contact with the surveillance camera systems either as:
    • a direct responsibility 
    • a peripheral task 
  • Information Asset Owners (IAO) are individuals appointed to ensure that specific information assets are handled and managed appropriately. IAO’s are key decision makers across the information they own.  They are responsible for ensuring that any use of surveillance camera systems across their assets are identified to the SRO.
  • All managers are responsible for ensuring that:
    • the requirements of this policy are integrated into service procedures 
    • that staff comply with all relevant policies in their area of responsibility

Biometrics and surveillance camera commissioner (BSCC)

To meet our obligations under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, we will have regard to the BSCCs Surveillance Camera Code of Practice (the Code), including the 12 principles set out in the Code (listed at Appendix A) when we operate a surveillance camera system overtly in a public space. 
We shall provide the BSCC with all information necessary to demonstrate that we are complying with our obligations under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. 

System operators 

System operators shall:

  • support the development of a surveillance camera system
  • help to define its purpose
  • oversee the use or processing of images or other information obtained by such system
  • the SRO shall provide system operators with detailed guidance and support to enable them to understand and fulfill their role