
Records and information management policy

Policy overview

This policy sets out how we manage our:

  • records
  • business value information
  • non-value information

Records and information

Records and information, in the context of this policy, are sub divided into three categories. The categories apply to all records and information regardless of format.

  • A record is information created or received by us that provides evidence of activities and transactions of business.
  • Business value information is referential material that supports decision-making and provides value.
  • Non-value information is material that does not provide evidence or hold business value such as:
    • duplicated
    • trivial
    • obsolete information

Records and information lifecycle

All records and information are to be subject to a defined four stage lifecycle:

  • create or receive - creation or receipt of a record or information
  • use - active use of a record or information. Active is generally defined as being accessed at least every three months
  • store - no longer active and stored in an appropriate manner with a retention date applied
  • destroy or preserve - destroyed or passed to an archive for permanent preservation once a retention date has passed