
Pupil premium policy for children and young people in care

Other local authority children in care living in Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire schools should contact the home authority of the child in care to ensure receipt of the pupil premium plus grant.

Pupil premium plus grant for children and young people attending Lincolnshire schools placed by other local authorities

Different approaches will be adopted by different LAs, as the contexts vary so much, in terms of:

  • number of school-aged children in care
  • the size of virtual school team
  • the existing operational budget for the virtual school team

Lincolnshire schools where children and young people in care from other local authorities are on roll must contact the head teacher of the relevant virtual school to request their  pupil premium plus grant policy. This is because nationally, all head teachers of virtual schools are responsible for the allocation of pupil premium plus grant for all school aged children and young people in care within their authorities, even though the child or young person is educated in a Lincolnshire school. The name and contact details of other virtual school head teachers can be requested from the Lincolnshire virtual school team.