
Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue annual service plan 2022 to 2023


This part of the plan outlines the key responsibilities for each of the four Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue functions:

  • response
  • prevention and protection
  • people
  • resources

Each function provides oversight to the departments that operate within LFR. As you will see, the functions align to the frameworks we have been using for a number of years. There is one additional framework we recognise that provides an overarching cover across all the other frameworks and that is Evaluation.

The tables below highlight the key priorities that have been identified by the senior leadership team as our focus for 2022 to 2023. These priorities are examined and scrutinised through the LFR performance management board.

Objective: reduce fires and their consequences

Priority Response People Prevent and protection Resource Performance measure
Increase the number of targeted safe and well visits within domestic dwellings Provide operational crews with a number of targeted safe and well visits   Provide up to date address lists using a variety of data sets Develop systems that produce a live address base 10,000 targeted safe and well visits per year.

Creation of a single gazetteer, that provides targeted address lists.
Develop capacity within the fire protection team Increase the number of trained operational staff to Level 3 Fire Protection A robust workforce planning and succession process Recruit and train the appropriate number of staff into the department, aligned to the competency framework.

Implement and embed NFCC Risk Based Inspection Programme (RBIP) standards.
  Four personal achieve competency against the competency framework.

All wholetime substantive crew managers trained to Level 3.

Objective: reduce road traffic collisions (RTC) and their consequences

Priority Response Prevention and protection Resource Performance measure  
Continue to contribute to the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) Operational crews to actively support and deliver road safety initiatives conducted by LRSP Community Safety advocates to continue to support road safety initiatives Monitor and provide performance figures in relation to RTCs, to include those killed or seriously injured, with comparative data sets from previous years 90 road safety partnership events per year as directed by the LRSP.

'Biker Down' scheme delivered in partnership with LRSP and Lincs-Notts air ambulance.

Objective: protect the community and environment from the impact of major emergencies

Priority Response Resource Performance measure
Ensure fire control has systems in place to deal with complex emergencies Embed and test arrangements for providing fire survival guidance, including across the East Coast and Herts Control Room Consortium Continue to play a key role in the development and procurement of a new ICCS and mobilising system within the East Coast and Herts Control Room Consortium Procurement and preparation for the delivery of a new mobilising system through East Coast and Herts Control Room Consortium.

Control staff trained and systems implemented to enable Fire Survival guidance to be undertaken.

Objective: improve health

Priority Response Resource Performance measure
Conduct a review of the co-responder scheme Complete a full review of the current LFR co-responder model Provide performance data sets against LFR activity with regards to co-responding Report presented to LFR, ³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ (³ÉÈ˶¶Òõ), and East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS)

Objective: govern the business effectively

Priority Response People Prevention and protection Resource Performance measure
Review business delivery models (resourcing project) Complete work packages enabling the progress of the resourcing project Complete work packages enabling the progress of the resourcing project Complete work packages enabling the progress of the resourcing project Complete work packages enabling the progress of the resourcing project Outcomes of the resourcing project delivered
Develop the 2024 to 2028 Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) Undertake work packages enabling the successful completion of the CRMP Undertake work packages enabling the successful completion of the CRMP Undertake work packages enabling the successful completion of the CRMP Produce performance data to contribute to decision making in the CRMP process.

Undertake work packages enabling the successful completion of the CRMP.
Project undertaken to initiate CRMP for 2024, which includes continual public consultation

Objective: manage our people effectively

Priority Response People Prevention and protection Resource Performance measure
Increase diversity across the organisation Increase awareness and understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion through training and community engagement days Embed positive action days with the recruitment team and identify methods of attracting people from minority backgrounds Develop and maintain community engagement EqIA to ensure all CFS activities are inclusive and reflective of the communities they service Provide data sets to highlight service impact across all community groups within the County Increased diversity across the workforce. EDI Foundation training received by all staff.
Implement a talent management and succession management framework   Introduce and pilot talent conversations as part of PDRs.

Implement NFCC Supervisory Leadership Development Programme.

Objective: manage our resources effectively

Priority Resource Performance measure
Review support for line of business applications Review all LFR applications and identify opportunities to increase efficiency through the use of technology Full review of all LFR line of business applications.

Report on the potential integration of systems to alleviate double keying elements
Develop the use of technology to improve efficiencies Conduct a review of all service systems to identify where technology can assist and remove the need for double keying.

Undertake a systems optimisation project to assess ways of working.
New technology introduced to LFR with a full evaluation around improvement in efficiencies and output