
Our community plan - integrated risk management plan

Resourcing framework

The challenge

It is important in these financial times that the planning and management of our finances is:

  • clear
  • robust

This will enable us to provide the resources we need to meet the risks identified within our Community Risk Profile. To meet our stated objectives, with limited financial resources, it is vital that we have agile and reactive abilities to align resources to meet any changing risks.

We need to maintain our strong culture of financial scrutiny and assurance that enables us to make the most of our financial investments. This will be tested throughout the lifespan of our IRMP. There is a level of uncertainty following the impact of Covid-19 and the Comprehensive Spending Review. This will be mitigated though:

  • robust planning for short and medium-term financial planning
  • ongoing budget management on a monthly basis

Our objectives will always be to:

  • deliver our service against our agreed budget
  • have the agility to make in-year changes to our resources to reflect budget and risk

Throughout the lifespan of the IRMP, we need to ensure we:

  • provide and place our resources in the right place to meet the identified risks
  • support the delivery of all of our frameworks

We will do this in a clear and transparent manner with open engagement with our workforce.

We are committed to drive forward our resourcing solutions through a collaborative approach, whether that is from joint procurement or entering into multi-agency agreements. We have a duty to collaborate, and it is a duty that is at the heart of our resourcing solutions. This ensures we provide appropriate solutions to meeting our risks.

Our ambitions

To meet the challenge, we have set the following ambitions:

  • we aim to have clear and robust scrutiny of budget management throughout the service
  • we aim to provide effective and efficient use of resources to meet our risks
  • we aim to enable flexible and agile solutions for resourcing to support all other frameworks in mitigating our risks
  • we aim to identify present and future resourcing requirements to meet the needs to mitigate our risks
  • we aim to have clear and transparent processes for decision making relating to resource requirements