
Penalty notices - code of conduct

Administration of penalty notices

All administrative functions in respect of the issue of Penalty Notices and the collection of payments for the same will be undertaken by the LA. This is unless schools or academies choose to issue their own, although non-payment of fines will still be monitored by the LA.

The LA will keep central records in respect of the issue of such Notices within Lincolnshire. This must include:

  • a copy of each Notice issued
  • a record of all payments made and the date of payment
  • whether the Notice was withdrawn and on what grounds
  • whether the parent(s) following non-payment of the same was subsequently prosecuted for:
    • the offence set out in the Notice or
    • offence arising out of the same circumstances

Schools will make enquiries directly to other LAs for details of previous Penalty Notices and include this information on their submissions to the LA.

If you wish to make these enquires regarding previous PN’s for a child who has moved into Lincolnshire from another county, please contact us at crossborder.PenaltyNotice@lincolnshire.gov.uk.