
Approved venues

Terms and conditions

Your premises will be inspected by the relevant authorities. For applications to be granted, your premises must be deemed suitable.


  • public notice of the application will be given on our website. A period of 21 days will be allowed for objections.

The licence

  • the licence is valid for a period of three years. The licence fee is £1500 plus £50 for each additional room. We will contact Licensed Venues one year before expiry inviting them to reapply.

The licence notice

  • you must display the licence notice prominently and permanently at the main entrance to the venue. Additional copies can be provided for other parts of the venue or display in the ceremony room/area.

Refusal to approve a licence

  • if a licence is not approved the applicant will be given notice in writing and the reason for the decision.
  • an applicant who is aggrieved about our refusal to grant a licence, or the attachment of additional or special conditions to the grant of a licence may seek a review which will be carried out by the Appeals Sub Committee.

Promotion of the licence

  • licence holders may use the following words to describe the granting of a licence as a Licensed Venue: “Approved by ˶ as a venue for the solemnisation of Civil Marriages and the formation of Civil Partnerships”.

Revoking a licence

We may revoke a licence if:

  • any conditions attached to the granting of the licence have been broken.
  • the use or structure of the Licensed Premises has changed in that we no longer consider the premises a suitable venue for solemnising civil marriages and forming civil partnerships.
  • we are directed to do so by the Registrar General.
  • the licence holder may revoke the licence at any time within the three year licence period.

Transfer of licence

  • the licence is not transferable between premises. The licence, subject to our approval, may be transferred between licence holders. The transfer would generally apply to the sale of a venue or an appointment of a new manager. You will need to inform us of any changes by letter. A transfer fee of £150 will apply

Useful information

The Registrar General has issued the following guidance for England and Wales in accordance with their duties under the Marriage Act 1949 and the Civil Partnership Act 2004.