
Arson prevention

The Lincolnshire Arson Task Force aims to prevent arson across the county.

Arson presents a high risk of injury or death for the perpetrator or victim. As all emergency services respond to arson incidents, it also costs money.

The task force is a partnership between us and the police, which:

  • works with other agencies to reduce arson
  • ensures a targeted response to vehicle fires, anti-social behaviour and rural arson
  • raises public awareness of arson
  • provides intervention and training
  • records, analyses and shares data to assist in arson reduction

For more advice, .

Arson advice for businesses

The biggest fire risk in many premises is from fires started deliberately. Most arson fires are lit outside.

To help keep your premises safe from fire you can:

  • keep premises clear from combustible waste and refuse
  • use metal containers with closely fitting lids for waste
  • make sure that waste burning on site is carefully controlled and supervised
  • arrange frequent collection of waste by your local authority or contractor
  • ask staff to report any suspicious behaviour
  • lock away flammable materials
  • keep skips and bins away from the building

You can also help deter people from accessing your site by:

  • using fencing and signs at the boundaries of the site
  • installing security fencing, security lighting, CCTV and/or an intruder alarm
  • making sure all openings are secured when closing down the building
  • it is important to make sure that smoke alarms, extinguishers etc are in good working order
  • install automatic fire alarms and/or sprinkler systems
  • shut all internal doors as part of the closing down routine

You should review your arson risk assessment regularly.


Arson advice for farms

Farms are vulnerable to arson. Isolated locations; open boundaries and readily ignitable hay and straw make them an easy target.

How to help prevent arson on farms:

  • provide, repair or replace damaged fencing or gates
  • install intruder alarms and security lighting. Install warning notices
  • make sure outbuildings are secure
  • check any fire fighting equipment works
  • prepare a fire routine and action plan and make sure all farm workers know what to do
  • hay and straw should be removed from fields as soon as possible after harvesting
  • don’t store hay/straw with buildings which store fuels, chemicals, machinery or livestock
  • petrol, diesel and other fuels should be stored in secure areas and storage tank outlets should be padlocked
  • fertilisers and pesticides should be locked away securely

If a fire starts:

  • call 999
  • only attempt to fight the fire if it is safe
  • send someone to the farm entrance to give directions
  • prepare to move livestock if the fire spreads
  • prepare any farm machinery to help Fire and Rescue